WasteServ: Civic Amenity Sites

WasteServ:  Civic Amenity Sites

Nixtieq illi, il-Civic Amenity Sites jergghu jibdew jaccettaw skart li gej moghbbi fuq van jew pick-up. Presentament Il-Vannijjiet iridu jmorru bilfors il Maghtab u jhallsu.....fejn fuq kollox l-iskart jigi mormi bl-addocc gol- engineered landfills minghajr ma jigi maghzul. Pallets tal-injam , zkuk , plastik, jablo ..kollox jigi mormi gol engineered landfill.. flok jigi maghzul u rriciklat kif kien isir qabel fil-Civic Amenity Sites.


agree , it shouldnt be made complicated to get rid of waste . In Imriehel for example we can t go with our van to throw away recyclable waste

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