3rd Party in Parliament

3rd Party in Parliament

Il-bidla mill-qiegħ trid tagħmilha possibbli għat-tielet partit biex jikseb siġġu fil-Parlament. Dan il-ħmieġ ta' madwarna qed jiġri għax fil-gvern ikollna partit wieħed li jkollu s-setgħa li jagħmel li jrid. Il-Partit Nazzjonalista f'ġieħ il-tarka tad-demokrazija li tant jitħaddet fuqha, għandu jiftaħ il-bibien kollha biex dan ikun fattwalment possibbli fil-prattika.


How do you propose to get a third party elected if they don't get the quota of votes necessary? Italy has many parties and they also have political chaos. Two party system is not bad in itself. It's the politicians in this case who are the problem.

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