Ħlas diċenti lill-MINISTRI

Ħlas diċenti lill-MINISTRI

Jekk tassew irridu nattiraw l-aqwa persuni biex imexxu 'l pajjiż jeħtiġilna nirrevedu l-mekkaniżmu li jħallas lill-politiċi. Irridu politiċi aktar kontabbli u responsabbli, u għalhekk nagħtu pakkett diċenti. Fl-istess ħin irridu nsibu diversi modi kif innaqqsu l-prerogattivi tal-Prim Ministru, ċertu ħatriet isiru mhux biss mill-Parlament iżda b'suġġerimenti ta' persuni kompetenti. U rridu nagħtu iżjed setgħat eżekuttivi lill-President ta' Malta, wara li tkun inħatret b'mod differenti.


Why should a professional earning €100,000 in the private sector, go through the trouble of serving the public, for a pittance? Unless aiming at becoming rich through kickbacks. I agree to a salary commensurate to the job, however, weighted against KPIs. A mandatory prison sentence should be attached to any form of corruption. The proof of innocence, in these cases, needs to be borne by the politician. This way we keep them on their toes to see that good governance is

Iva nemmen li bhal ma hemm il-gerarkija f'kull post tax-xoghol, ovvjament bil-pagi differenti skond il-grand tar-responsabilita` tal-haddiema, l-istess ghandu jkun hemm fil-parlament.

There is no way you will attract the right people, who have the expertise and skills to do a good job. We know very well what you get when you pay peanuts..... It will be a bold move that 70% od the population will interpret wrongly. On the other hand, ministers / technocrats have to perform not to lose their job. It may also have to be matched in a new way of doing politics. What SB is promising is exactly this. We nerd to have in place safeguards from corrupt politicians. Paying them 1/4 of wh

I Agree. Currently, ministers and other servants of the state receive quite a mediocre pay for such a demanding job. Increasing pay to a level comparable with that of other European countries will reduce the temptation to solicit income from other sources (which many times turns out to be kickbacks and other benefits). I believe this measure is a much needed first step in the fight against corruption.

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