Kull Kunsill Lokali jiġi mitlub jidentifika post fil-lokalità fejn jistgħu jitħawlu numru sostanzjali ta' siġar indiġeni biex jiġi żviluppat masġar żgħir f'kull lokalità. Kull Kunsill jingħata fondi apparti biex dan iseħħ.
Recreation spots especially children's playgrounds and other sport facilities should be in green areas not on mainroads with lots of pollution.
It is a great initiative for a greener environment
It is very important to have open spaces and trees in their living environment.
There are far too many built up areas full of traffic and no roadside trees or ANY trees in sight. Let's make everywhere greener with trees not just flowers and bushes on roundabouts which are only to be seen. We need green areas and gardens in each town to walk through and experience.
Most embellishment happening in the last years has been street furniture and concrete. Foreigners continuously comment on how Gozo is greener (and nicer) than Malta. Dingli cliffs has greenery even without water throughout summer. We have loads of local trees and shrubs which we can re-introduce in our urban areas to make our towns and villages nicer and healthier.
This proposal should be complimented with the rehabilitation/construction of stormwater reservoirs for irrigation of the same trees. The country can ill afford further pumping from boreholes (and the transportation of same by bowser)
definately agree , dedicated areas to go totally green , less buildings more trees
such areas could be complemented by farm animals/birds such as the petting farm in Ta' Qali.
Most embellishment happening in the last years has been street furniture and concrete. Foreigners continuously comment on how Gozo is greener (and nicer) than Malta. Dingli cliffs has greenery even without water throughout summer. We have loads of local trees and shrubs which we can re-introduce in our urban areas to make our towns and villages nicer and healthier.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation