Welcome and Racial Justice

Welcome and Racial Justice

A region as a space for co-operation between people and places, and the opportunity of fair and equal participation in that co-operation by everyone who currently lives in the region, no matter where they or their relatives were born.


Develop and implement a West Yorkshire Integration Strategy

West Yorkshire should be a Region of Sanctuary

Making newcomers welcome in the Mayor's housing strategy

Share best practice for refugee support in West Yorkshire

Those most affected should be most decisive

Challenge the Hostile Environment narrative

An integrated transport strategy should be for all

Safe and secure accommodation for newcomers to our region

Racial justice should be integral to WY's future policing

Refugees should have the right to stand and vote in W Yorks

Prioritise ESOL in Adult Skills budget

Education and skills programme for young refugees

Asylum seekers in West Yorkshire should be allowed to work

Asylum seekers in West Yorkshire should be able to use cash

Support the FIRM charter on dignity & justice

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